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首頁 硬皮快勞 (Lever Arch Files/Box files)
瀏覽方式 所有產品 Q骨快勞 (Q-Tube Folder/Files) 事務用紙 (Loose-Leaf) 保護墊 (Protective Mat) 信封 (Envelopes) 公文袋 (Document Envelope) 分類索引 (Index Dividers/Index Paper) 切角器/切圓角機 (Corner Cutter) 剪裁用品 (Cutter、Blade & Scissor) 包書膠及書套 (Book Cover) 匙牌及配件 (Key Accessories) 卡片用品 (Card Accessories) 印油/墨水/印台(Stamp Ink/Stamp Pads) 原子印 (Pre-inked stamps) 原子筆及筆芯 (Ball Pen and Refills) 咖啡用具/茶具 (Coffee Tool & Tea Ware) 啫喱筆/中性筆及筆芯 (Gel Pen/Rollerball Pen and Refills) 單/雙夾快勞 (Single/Double Clip Folder/Files) 單/雙夾板 (Clipboards) 單/雙蛇快勞 (Single/Double Spring folder/Files) 地圖膠 (Window Film) 垃圾桶 (Rubbish Bin) 報告快勞(Report File/ Flat File) 多功能筆及筆芯 (Multi-Function Pen and Refills) 夾釘類 (Clip、Pin & Clipboard ) 封箱膠紙/其他膠紙類及配件 (Packaging/Other Tape & Accessories) 尺類(Rulers) 尼龍繩及棉繩 (Nylon Rope and Cotton Rope) 幾何工具 (Geometry Tools) 影印機相紙 (Photo Paper) 影印紙 (Copy Paper) 快勞圈/快勞鐵/快勞繩 (Binder Rings/Clips/Strings) 感熱紙 (Thermal Paper) 手打帶及配件(Packing Belt & Accessories) 打孔機及配件 (Hole Puncher and Accessories) 拉錬網袋 (Zipper Bags) 捆箱膠膜 (Stretch Film) 掛快勞及配件 (Hanging File & Holder) 擦擦筆及筆芯 (Frixion Pen and Refills) 改錯用品 (Correction Supplies) 文件保護套 (sheet protectors) 文件夾及配件 (Ring Binder and Accessories) 文件架/文件盤/雜誌架 (File Rack/File Tray/Magazine Rack) 文件盒 (File Box) 日期印(Date Stamp) 橡筋 (Rubber Bands) 毛巾/抹布(Towel/Rag) 清潔及消毒用品(Cleaning & Disinfectant Supplies) 清潔手套(Cleaning Gloves) 漆油筆、簽字筆、箱頭筆、記號筆及墨水 (Marker, Name Pen and Ink) 珍珠板 (Foam Board) 界刀墊及配件 (Cutting Mat and Accessories) 發泡膠/氣珠膠用品 (Styrofoam/Bubble Wrap) 白板掛紙 (Flip Chart Paper) 白板筆,白板擦及配件 (Whiteboard Marker,Eraser,Accessories) 百潔布/鋼絲球(Scourer & Sponge & Metallic Spiral Ball) 硬皮快勞 (Lever Arch Files/Box files) 磁性用品 (Magnetic Products) 筆盅,書立及文具盤(Pen Holder, Bookstand, Desk Organizer) 粉筆、粉擦及配件 (Chalk, Eraser, and Accessories) 紙快勞 (Paper Folder/Files) 索帶/扎帶/紮帶 (Strips/Straps/Cable Tie) 繪圖鉛筆/木顏色筆 (Drawing Pencils/Color Pencils) 膠快勞 (Plastic Folder/Files) 膠紙座及座枱膠紙(Tape Dispenser and Tape) 膠袋類 (Plastic Bags) 蛇夾快勞(Spring&Clip Folder/Files) 螢光筆及筆芯 (Highlighter and Refills) 訂做印章(Tailor Made stamp) 設計用紙 (Design Paper) 證書紙 (Certificate Paper) 貼紙類 (Sticker Products) 資料簿及配件 (Display Book and Accessories) 釘書機、釘書釘及配件 (Stapler, Staples, and Accessories) 鉛筆(Pencil) 鉛筆刨 (Pencil Sharpener) 鉛芯筆及鉛芯 (Mechanical Pencil and Lead Refills) 防水紙(Water Proof Packing paper ) 雨傘架 (Umbrella Stand) 電腦快勞 (Computer Blank Form Folder/Files) 電腦標籤 (Computer Label) 電腦紙 (Computer Form) 風琴快勞 (Accordion Folder/Files) 食物盒/容器/杯 (Food Containers/Storage Containers/Cups) 餐具 (tableware) 魔術貼(Hook and Loop Fasteners) 黏貼用品 (Adhesive Products) bottom of page